Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Whales Do

Today we are going talk about how whales breathe, what is beaching, and how you may see whales in the water. 
Whales breathe from their blowhole. The blowhole is their nose. The blowhole is on top of their head. Scientists can tell what kind of whale they see from the size, shape and height of the whale's spout. A spout is warm air that comes out of their blowhole. Just like when it's really cold outside we sneeze and our air turns to steam.The Blue whale's spout can be 35 feet tall.
Sometimes a whale gets stranded on a beach. If a whale is sick or loses its direction it will get beached on the shore. If someone doesn't get there fast enough the whale can die. If one whale gets beached then other whales will sometimes follow and get beached too.If you are on a whale watching trip you might see it spyhopping, breaching, logging, or lobtailing.
We are very sad that whales get beached but that is how God made them. But hopefully you'll get to see whales on the move.

Until next time,

This is Reagan and Robyn bringing the sea to you!

 Spyhopping is when whales stick their heads out of the water.

 Lobtailing is when a whale sticks its fluke out of the water and slaps the water.

 Logging is when a whale sits on the top of the water and it looks like a log in the water.

Breaching is when a whale is jumping out of the water.


  1. Another good blog, very much enjoyed the pictures to go along with the explanations of what the whales were doing. My favorite is the breaching; I think it is amazing that a creature that huge can jump out of the water like that. All of God's creatures are amazing!

  2. my favorite is logging because its so cool how they can look kind of like a log but i also like breaching
