Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Top Six Whale Watching Destinations Worldwide

To answer my dad's question there are 6 really good places to find whales:

New Zealand


South Africa



Massachusetts, USA


  1. Wow, so many places you can go and see whales. It would be neat to go on a whale watching trip, maybe I need to put that on my "bucket list" of things to do! Thanks for the idea girls...keep the great info about whales coming. :)

  2. Add Mexico . Bandera Bay In peurta vallarta (don't know how to spell) tell me which the best month to watch the whales in New Zealand? And since there are different types which did I see in Mexico and which ones will I be able to see in New Zealand

  3. Dear Mellisa,
    In Mexico you probably saw the Humpback whale because they go there in October to March to give birth.
    You can see Orcas, Humpback whales and Sperm whales off the coast of New Zealand from June to July. You can click on the link below to find out more about whale watching in New Zealand. Good luck!
