Monday, September 17, 2012

I Love Whales

We are learning new things about whales. They are fun to study. We have learned that whales are mammals, they make cool sounds, and there are different types of whales. Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world!
Whales are marine mammals. Marine means water.  Mammal means that they have live babies.
Whales can't breathe under water so very often they have to come up to the surface.
Whales make so many different sounds. Some click, some chirp, and some moan or even sound like a gunshot. They use their sounds to communicate with other whales.
There are different types of whales.Some whales have teeth but some don't. The ones that do are called Toothed whales. Baleen whales don't have teeth. They have bristles that catch plankton to eat. A whale's tail is called a fluke. Their tails move up & down but fish move their tails from side to side.
Whales are cool. We will type more tomorrow when we learn more about them.

You can hear sounds of whales here--->   Beautiful Whale Song on Youtube

You can see pictures and hear sounds of the Humpback Whale here -----> National Geographic Humpback Whale

Until next time,

This is Reagan & Robyn helping you see the seas!


  1. good job girls! sounds cool!

  2. The info you posted is very interesting. I have always been interested in whales. I saw one at Sea World in Florida years ago. Jina wants to go on a whale watching boat ride. I really enjoyed watching a Star Trek movie once about saving the whales. Keep us posted.
    Loraine Coleman

  3. Love this. I have a question. What ocean is best to see whales? Thanks. I look forward to your answer.

  4. Very interesting. You have taught me some things I never knew about whales, like they make a sound like a gunshot and that some of them do not have teeth. Keep learning and keep sharing!!
