Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eared Seals

If a pinniped has an ear flaps,it is a member of family Otariidae ( oh tar ee'ih day). The name of this family comes from a greek word "little ear". Theses pinnipeds are also called eared seals.Whats the different between sea lions and fur seals? Sea lions have shorter flippers than fur seals. Sea lion's fur is rougher and shorter than a fur seal. in the 1700s and 1800s. It was big business many fur seals were killed for their pelts it wich  almost made them extinct! Sea lions can reach speeds greater than 25 miles per hour when they swim! Some seal lions can go diving  more than 500 feet!

                                Fur seal
                                Sea lion


Walrus Family

Did you now there is only one walrus species in the world? And another true fact is that walruses have two large teeth? And have whiskers? Walrus families are called Odobenidae (oh' doh bin uh bin). Walruses have things in common with both true seals and eared seals. For an example, walruses and true seals have holes for their ears without a flap. Their bodies look similar, too.
The walruses' whiskers make then look like old men. Guess what? The walruses are so large they can even way up to 3,000 pounds. Well that's all See the Sea fans for now!

Seals And Sea Cows

Seals are also called sea lions. Sea lions can be found from San Diego to Alaska and in the cooler areas of Australia and New Zealand. Their babies are called pups! They are pinnipeds which means fin-footed. Dangerous things to seals: boat motors, weather and sharks. Seals are a good snack for some other animals.

Sea lion->