Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Echoes to locate

Do remember learning about echolocation when you studied bats? Well just as bats use echolocation to see in the dark toothed whales use echolocation to see under water. Scientist believe toothed whales are the only whales that have this ability.

Until next time this is Reagan & Robyn helping you see the seas

Toothed whales

Do you remember that there are two kinds of whales: Toothed whales and baleen whales? Do you remember what makes a toothed a toothed whale? Did you say teeth? Your right of course! Some have a hundred teeth! Sometimes they look upside down like ice cream cones we call them cone shaped. Because they don't chew. They just swallow. A whale uses its teeth to hold its prey while preparing to swallow it.

Until next time this is Reagan & Robyn helping you see the seas